Supercharge Productivity When Going Back to Work After Vacation
Going back to work after a vacation? For many, getting back into a regular work routine after a holiday can be a struggle. The change of pace can take a while to get used to. However, there are many great benefits to taking time off work. Taking a vacation allows you to clear your head, de-stress, and renew your energy for the coming months of work. You can use this restart as an opportunity to supercharge your productivity. If you are worried about the workload when returning to work after vacation, relax. Here are a few tips for improving productivity on your first day back at work after vacation.
Organize Your Emails
Despite your Out-of-Office Message, upon returning to work after vacation, you are likely to have countless unopened emails waiting for you in your inbox. One of your tasks on your first day back to the office should be to organize and arrange your emails in order of importance. Focus on tackling your most urgent emails first and set aside the others for a later time. Most email clients, like Mailbird, offer a snooze feature that lets you hide emails and schedule them to return to your inbox at a later time in the day, week, or month.
This is a great feature for sorting through your emails quickly and gaining control over your inbox while chipping away at those relevant to your current focus and . Another good tip is to set an automated reply message on these emails, simply explaining why it may take longer to get back to the unattended matters post-vacation. This will allow you to focus on more pressing work tasks.
Declutter your email and supercharge your productivity with Mailbird.
Write a To-Do List
One of the greatest ways to stay productive when going back to work after a vacation is to create or update your to-do list. Each day, write down a list of tasks that need to be completed by the end of the day. Break down any larger projects into smaller, executable tasks so they feel less daunting. Setting a clear plan for your day will allow you to manage your time better and stay on top of all your various tasks. Asking coworkers for help after vacation could benefit you as well, but there is a better alternative. There are loads of helpful task management apps like Asana, Todoist, or Wunderlist. Try out a few of them to see which suits your needs and workflow best.
If you are working with an email client, you can use its integrations or native task management apps. Mailbird, for example, has integrations with Moo.Do, Asana, Todoist, and Wunderlist. They all work differently but have the same goal — your stress-free & clean email inbox.
Exercise at Work
Regular exercise throughout the workday can help with feeling down after vacation. More and more companies are incorporating fitness opportunities in the workplace to encourage their employees to stay physically fit, healthy, energized, and happy. If there aren't any fitness facilities in your office, you can still find ways to get your exercise throughout the day. During your lunch break, go for a walk outside or around the office. Opt for the staircase instead of the elevator. If you're in a small office, why not have a quick jog on the spot? Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress. You will be a more productive employee if you feel healthy in your body and mind.
Plan Your Next Holiday
Vacation and productivity go hand in hand, so it's never too early to plan your next holiday. As you return to work, take a look at the next 12 months and think about when to book your next flight. By planning a holiday far in advance, you will have something to look forward to throughout the year. Instead of feeling down because your break is over, you can feel excited about your next one, which will keep you motivated during the long months of work ahead. Plus, if you book a holiday far enough in advance, this will ensure you won't waste your time off.
Take Regular Breaks
It may seem counterproductive to take regular breaks throughout the workday, but sitting at your desk all day is not beneficial for your productivity or health. It can leave you feeling restless and unmotivated, which will only decrease your productivity, especially when you're back to work after a long vacation. Taking short breaks at regular intervals gives you the much-needed opportunity to recharge and refocus. You'll be much more efficient with your time if you feel energized throughout the day.
There is a nice variety of apps available to remind you to take breaks. Stretchly, for example, encourages micro-breaks to get your productivity going again. The open-source app displays a friendly pop-up reminding you to rest your eyes or step away from the screen for a set duration of time.
What do you do to supercharge your productivity when going back to work after a vacation? Let us know in the comments section below.
About the author:
Sofia Lockett is a freelance writer from New Zealand. She loves writing articles about careers and lifestyles. You can see more of her work on Tumblr.
How do I cope with going back to work after vacation?
Here are some tips to ease your transition back to work after a vacation: 1. Delegate your tasks to coworkers. 2. Clean your desk before your holiday. 3. Create a to-do list of projects you need to work on. 4. Take an extra day off after your vacation before resuming work.
How long does it take to relax on vacation?
Although a short vacation has been found to be relaxing, taking a holiday for at least eight days allows you to unwind completely and come back to work refreshed.
Is two weeks too long for a vacation?
Taking a two-week holiday may sound incredible, but you could return from the vacation with more stress, as the work keeps piling up. A week-long vacation may be best, as it is more manageable, and you won't have as much on your plate when you return.
What should I do the week before my vacation?
Here are some pre-vacation tasks you may need to undertake: 1. Let your colleagues and clients know you are taking a break. 2. Complete your most important tasks before leaving. 3. Let your manager know how to reach you in case of an emergency. 4. Check your social media accounts.