Mailbird Blog

Game of Thrones Inspired House Sigil Themes

Game of Thrones Inspired House Sigil Themes
Game of Thrones Inspired House Sigil Themes

Love Game of Thrones?

Well, then we've got good news for you! We just released 9 GoT inspired sidebar themes to celebrate season 6. Starting today, you can show off your allegiance to your favorite house - with your email client.

Donning your favorite house's sigil is easy

Just click the menu icon in the Mailbird email client, click options, and then select the appearance tab. You will see all 9 sidebar themes. If you don't yet see the new themes, you may need to update your copy of Mailbird.
We've released these themes for all versions of Mailbird. So, if you are a Game of Thrones fan, there has never been a better time to try Mailbird on your Windows computer.

Season 6 premieres this Sunday and we can't wait! What's the #1 thing you want to see this season on GoT?