Mailbird Hackathon Update #1

In case you didn't catch the recent developments in Mailbird since we started the hackathon, here is what happened:
- We launched the freaking Contacts Manager in the alpha! Testing it like crazy and getting it ready for all you eager folks waiting for it in the public release.
- We've been reaching out to C# developers all over the world for a chance to join the most kick-ass team on the face of the planet. Apply here.
- You and your friends may start to see Mailbird advertised in more places online - but that is not enough! We need the help of our loyal fans to really spread the word about Mailbird. Please spread the word by tweeting. Click Here To Tweet About Mailbird 2.0
- We've given a handful of closed testers access to MailbirdX which is our development version of Mailbird 2.0.
- We got Mailbird on a German software download site and hit 160 downloads in 2 days already. Awesome because Germany in the top 5 countries of Mailbird users and we support Mailbird in the German language too. Localizing Mailbird so everyone in the world can use it has been awesome.
- We've redesigned the options for viewing messages in MailbirdX where you can now stack the message list vertically on top of the message viewer.
- By popular demand, we've added a Delete button on the main interface. Remember you can multi-select using Ctrl and clicking on all emails you want to delete by right-clicking and selecting Trash. Soon you'll be able to do the same with the Delete button.
- The full compose window was the only place where you could use text formatting, but again because we listen to our beloved fans, we've added the formatting toolbar to the Quick Reply option.
- You can now change the color themes in Mailbird - big request from people who have a hard time seeing black text with a white background.
- We are testing a new meeting app in the Apps platform called Veeting by friends of our in Switzerland. It's better than Skype - more secure and a ton of collaborative features like a whiteboard and of course screen sharing capabilities.
- Almost done with switching over from Awesomium to the new Chromium Embedded Framework which basically means faster message handling, awesome performance and the capability to integrate more productivity apps.